Bahai’s and well-wishers across the globe have been brought together in a series of conferences to consult on how to build vibrant communities in hopes of bringing about unity.
Gatherings at local, national and international levels have seen numerous participants get together to address their community’s prevalent needs and to gain insights as to how they can draw from the experiences of the Bahai community-building activities.
Several of these conferences have taken place in Ethiopia at large where more than 2000 participants have attended nationwide in efforts to address our nation's pressing spiritual issues. Children, junior youth, youth and adults alike have been energized through these conferences in a bond of fellowship and a renewed sense of hope as they along with many others across the globe consciously seek to find ways to help raise awareness within their communities about the challenges facing humanity and how to bring about lasting social changes.
Below are some pictures from the conferences conducted nationwide. You may go to for more on the different conferences conducted in other parts of the world.
Pictured here is one of several preparatory gatherings that have been held in Addis Ababa ahead of upcoming conferences.
Seen here is a gathering in Bole Tana, Addis Ababa, which brought together participants of all ages.
Pictured here is a gathering that was held in Arada, Addis Ababa.
Seen here is a conference in British Embassy neighbourhood, Addis Ababa
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